Sports Not Drugs

SPORTS – Not Drugs! is an NCSA initiative which aims to reduce the use and abuse of legal and illegal substances amongst sportspersons in Barbados, by infusing drug and life skills education with sport.

In operation since April 2007, SPORTS – Not Drugs! utilizes universal and selective drug prevention approaches, health and lifestyle practices to facilitate the development of athletes, coaches, administrators and support personnel within recreational, community-based, national and scholastic sports networks.

SPORTS – Not Drugs! activities are primarily coordinated by the NCSA Programme Officer who liaises with key stakeholders and personnel from local sporting organizations as well as regional and international federations based within the country.

• Barbados Olympic Association
• Caribbean RADO
• Ministry of Youth Sports & Community Empowerment
• National Anti-Doping Commission
• National Sports Council

Having undergone recent re-structuring, the SPORTS – Not Drugs! initiative will engage and empower a wider cross-section of youth and adult sportspersons over the next three years.

Commencing from April 2021, elite, emerging and recreational athletes will benefit from ongoing drug education and training using diverse virtual and information technology platforms, aimed at the elimination of the use of prohibited / banned substances, practices and methods.

Through SPORTS – Not Drugs! the pathway has also been forged for the NCSA to incorporate drug research and evidence-based approaches into our national sport development thrust.

In this regard, we aim to compile and disseminate data to sport administrators, policy makers and stakeholders to help streamline and inform national sport programming.

In keeping with our mandate to facilitate healthy drug-free lifestyles, NCSA will continue to upgrade the SPORTS – Not Drugs! initiative whilst maintaining our commitment to protect the health of all those who engage in sport and physical education based on the principles of ‘fair play’.