Treatment Workshop (ISSUP)

What is ISSUP?

ISSUP stands for the International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals and it is a non- profit, non-government organisation that was established to assist with the development of professionals in the field of drug prevention and treatment all over the world. ISSUP is a hub for information about substance use prevention and treatment.

What is the Universal Treatment Curriculum?

Through ISSUP’s professional development platform there is access to the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) which is a Curriculum that provides access to a number of courses. These courses are available at the basic and advanced levels with the availability to specialist series that focus on populations with special needs, such as women, children, and persons in recovery.

The NCSA will be providing training in the following courses which are at the basic level:

Course 1: Physiological and Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals
Course 2: Treatment for Substance Use Disorders- The Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals
Course 3: Common Co-Occurring Mental and Medical Disorders- An overview for Addiction Professionals
Course 4: Basic Counselling Skills for Addiction Professionals
Course 5: Intake, Screening, Assessment, Treatment Planning and Documentation for Addiction Professionals
Course 6: Case Management for Addiction Professionals
Course 7: Crisis Intervention for Addiction Professionals
Course 8: Ethics for Addiction Professionals

 Upcoming Activity

An upcoming activity is the registering of the NCSA as an educational provider. The Council will be starting this process to facilitate the training sessions to those in the field.

To view some of the scientific and research information provided by ISSUP you can visit