Barbados Drug Information Network (BARDIN)

The Barbados Drug Information Network (BARDIN) is the mechanism through which Barbados collects and disseminates information on the local drug situation, including activities in both the drug demand and supply reduction sectors. The National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) has been responsible for BARDIN since its inception; and at present, it is coordinated and managed by the Council’s Research Department.

The objectives of BARDIN are as follows:

To strengthen the capacity of Barbados to respond to changing drug use trends
To provide current epidemiological and other information on substance abuse
To regularly update this information
To identify trends in drug consumption and offenses related to illicit drugs
To provide relevant information for the planning, evaluation and management of drug control programmes
BARDIN reports are prepared and published on an annual basis, covering the period January 1 to December 31 each year. Reports present data on drug prevention programming as well treatment and interdiction efforts across the island.




Barbados Drug Information Network (BARDIN) reports can be found in the Library Resources section in addition to other Research Information.

BARDIN Reports